Thursday, June 7, 2007

Some "Before" Photos of Our House

Let's start by saying I absolutely love my house and I know that it was the best investment out of all the houses in the price range AND we were planning on dealing with a fixer upper, which this isn't. It's a fix-the-mistakes-er. The bad "improvements" probably wouldn't aggravate someone less persnickety than Matt and I as much, but man oh man it's just a little overwhelming to me right now. We still haven't slept there because the blotchy paint jobs, scary color choices, and general badness won't let us rest. Soon all the rooms will be painted, the light fixtures will be changed, we'll have our way with the house, and prettiness will prevail, but until then it makes me tired just thinking about it!

I think the exterior of our house is kinda cute. The only exterior improvements we're planning now is some landscaping, possibly terracing or leveling the huge (but sloping) yard, building a dog run, changing the light fixtures, and a deck (hopefully this Summer, maybe next). Thankfully, the exterior is neutral and unassuming. Not the color I would have chosen, but it's not offensive so it stays for now. However, next to my car you see a clump of juniper and rhododendrons, which are two of my least favorite plants. That will be dealt with, sooner or later.

Sorry about the blurry photo, but this is our dining room. It was the height of bad taste. Wood-look linoleum tiles (that they installed RECENTLY, God save us all), gold trim, bad blinds, and possibly the most horrifying chandelier in history.

See what I mean? Yikes! Hard to see in the the photo, but there are also tiny hand-painted pink and blue flowers all over the ceramic parts.

And then there's the paint job.... gold poorly rag-rolled over army green, accented by grape leaf chair rail spray-painted gold (and installed like they were using a butter knife to cut it - jagged ends, not mitered at the outside corners, and a big obvious seam right in the middle of the wall) and it was SCREWED ON. Finish nails! Please! Notice how the heavy rag rolling was meant to stop at the chair rail and somehow ends up all over the place. The last owner had no eye for detail, because big lazy mistakes are everywhere in my house!

Hallelujah! Walls are primered and scary chandelier is never to be seen again.

The kitchen has a great layout and adequate storage for my excess of kitchen stuff (where does it all come from? Oh yeah, the wedding...haha!). The kitchen cabinets aren't a bad color, but the stain is applied blotchily and haphazard (lots where it doesn't belong, lots missing where it should be - again, a little more detail oriented would've been nice), and the backsplash is bad news altogether. You have to see it to really understand how lazily it was installed. Then they added that sheet of metal behind the stove - why? Did they really think it looked good? Did they just run out of tile and they had a hunk of metal laying around? Anyhoo, don't let it keep you up at night, it will all be fixed. ;-)

Ohhh... the camo room... It's already been repainted, so let's pretend it never happened. ;-)

So, yesterday I bought a case of Red Bull, I have Mom and Matt helping me at night, and I have two rooms almost entirely finished. The ugliness is going down! Take that, bad taste!!! POW!


Anonymous said...

I think the people that lived there before you guys were on a serious acid-drip!! I cameo room....oh no they didn't!! haha! A case of red bull....give I wouldn't survive without that stuff! ;0)

Anonymous said...

sorry about all my type-oos! oops! I was meant to be A and give was suppose to be girl! SORRY!

Carly Fay said...

Haha, I know! There's a lot of stuff I didn't post about too. Very strange taste... soon there will be no sign of it, though! :-D I got a lot done today, thanks to two Red Bulls. My hands and forearms are so sore from all the painting and drilling and prying and patching... but I still feel peppy! ;-) Gotta love the energy drinks!